Monday, July 1, 2013

"Majicks" Vol. 1 July Update:

Production Update: The high-resolution full color proofs for Ray Harryhausen - Master of the Majicks Vol. 1 have been received, including a "dummy" copy of the hardcover book and dust jacket. Everything looks great! Having worked on this book for so long, one tends to get "jaded" looking at the layouts over and over, but I must say that I became excited all over again at seeing these color proof pages. Everything is coming together quite nicely.

Having said that, I found just a handful of errors in the text, so I corrected those and output 5 replacement pages. (It seems that no matter how much all of us proofread and check and double-check, these little "gremlins" still pop up here and there.)

In any case, we're getting there! Thanks to everyone for your patience. The book will be coming your way soon.

Scroll down to review some snapshots of just a few of the color proofs.

We're getting very close now to being Sold Out of our projected print run. So if you or anyone you know hasn't ordered yet, don't wait too much longer. Click the green button above to go directly to our secure order page and secure shopping cart.

Thanks again,
Ernest Farino
Archive Editions
